
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2017

The great revolution / La grande révolution

This revolution is peaceful, silent and global.  It is the revolution of consciousness  The Internet removes borders and gives access to the world.  It allows each citizen of the world to learn, compare and become aware of his human condition on planet Earth.  Money has all the power in this ultraliberal capitalist world.  So everyone must use their money in conscience, as responsible for maintaining this predatory system, can change their consumption pattern and choose a better world by taking care of what is important to all.  Nature is important, necessary and source of life, it must be maintained, protected from all evils.  The human being easily chooses what is offered without asking the question of the environmental and sociological consequences.  Your power is great as a consumer, let's join our individual efforts to locally consume healthy foods from all human pollution and sustainable objects that are 100% recyclable.  Every farmer, every industrialist must understand that

Evolve or die? / Évoluer ou mourir ?

The gulf stream seems to take the north, while it usually comes to lick Europe, it seems that the Arctic are doing much faster than expected, just like the Antarctic, part of which is splitting, each  catastrophe adds velocity to the phenomenon of deregulation of climates, alas, my fears become realities, which is why I no longer sleep, it will go faster and faster, exponentially, it's time to change the paradigm or nothing will ever be again  as before, maybe humans have never known this general problem, what are we waiting for to make ourselves heard?  Although recently the climate emergency has become more and more evident, even if Trump is still not convinced, what will remain for humans if nature is unleashed taking revenge on a civilization that does not  knew how to save his resources to finally destroy his own hope.  We absolutely must stop this phenomenon by modifying our practices on a global scale, allow scientists to work as a priority on simple and effective solutions,