
Affichage des articles associés au libellé élevage

Au plaisir de se nourrir

Manger, c'est avant tout, se nourrir pour permettre à notre organisme de subvenir à tous ses besoins naturels : fournir de l'énergie, mais aussi fournir les briques qui permettre d'entretenir cette belle biomécanique, mélange de biochimie et des multiples évolutions au cours de l'histoire de la vie. C'est vital, comme l'eau, donc, personne ne peut y échapper, même si certains illuminés adorateurs du Soleil vous y invitent, ne vous laissez pas entraîner dans des jeûnes de 28 jours, même si je reconnais les bienfaits du soleil, lui seul ne peut convenir à tous les besoins de notre corps d'humain. Ensuite je vous dirai de prendre du plaisir en mangeant, rien que du bonheur, mangez ce qui vous fait plaisir, en préparez votre corps à recevoir son "carburant", vous permettra de mieux digérer et ainsi mieux absorber les nutriments. Évitez toutes sources de frustration ou d'anxiété, coupez la télé et mettez de la musique cool. Discutez tr

Food, feed and deadly industries / Nourriture, alimentation et industries mortifères

Food is essential, industrial food is deadly, yet nature has shown us the example or some clever people believed they could poison us with food that was altered, processed and modified, unstructured, pushed without soil, based on chemicals.  , without any pity for the "pieces" which they raise, and which themselves admit not being nourished by them, with the sole aim of making a lot of money, to the detriment of the life of their customers necessarily immersed in  a cloud of lies in order to obscure the reality of our modern sectors of our intensive agriculture.  Some numbers  Out of 100 hungry people, 80 are rural and 20 live in cities.  The Earth has 7 billion inhabitants.  It can feed 12 billion.  Every day, 17,000 children under the age of 5 die from diseases linked to malnutrition.  In 40 years, the price of rice has fallen by 40%.  More than 2.5 million French people have recourse to food aid.  Source: report to the UN by Jean Ziegler  Food waste in 1 minute  Global Gâc

Natural agriculture, permaculture, agroecology, agroforestry ... / Agriculture naturelle, permaculture, agroécologie, agroforesterie...

Agriculture (from the Latin agricultura, composed from ager, field and anger, to cultivate) is a process by which humans arrange their ecosystems to meet the primary and other food needs of their societies.  Formerly, the peasants respected the land, maintained it by cherishing it, thanks to ancestral methods, they did not ask nature more than what they needed, producing on the smallest possible surface ...  Then, the mechanization methods made it possible to professionalize the practices and the practitioners becoming farmers, agrochemical technicians, who for the sake of profitability have invested considerably in large areas of land, cultivating the same species for kilometers,  degrading the soils with their plow, eliminating nature, favoring invasive species, so they decided to use chemicals to exterminate this vermin, pesticides ... then the earth became sterile, so the chemists decided to provide the  bricks of life with chemical fertilizers of course.  As the land is no longer