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Peoples sacrificed on the altar of the globalization of broken capitalism / Les Peuples sacrifiés sur l'autel de la mondialisation du capitalisme éfreiné

Amazonia  Valdenir Munduruku, the courageous leader of the Munduruku people, today at the forefront of the fight against the large dams destroying lives and the environment in the Amazon, denounces in this video message a tragedy of international magnitude, which is ongoing in this  very moment in Brazil.  The destruction of the "green lung" of the planet is programmed by the government, with the support of multinationals, through a delusional development plan which completely disregards human rights and the preservation of a precious environment for the world.  all of humanity.  On its own, the Belo Monte dam has started to directly destroy 500 km2 of primary forest, forever destroying endemic biodiversity, while independent studies show that it will lead to indirect deforestation ten times greater, due to  the industrial and agricultural activity that it will promote in this hitherto preserved natural sanctuary.  Belo Monte is just the tip of the iceberg.  20 other super da