
Affichage des articles associés au libellé humanity

Le message

Le message est simple, Nous ne sommes plus des esclaves, Nous voulons vivre, dignement, Nous voulons ensemble décider de notre avenir commun, prendre les clés de notre destin, Nous n'avons plus besoin de chefs, de rois... ou de maîtres, Nous voulons la Démocratie directe et participative, Nous pouvons le faire, en arrêtant de nous diviser,  Pas besoin de nous dire comment faire, Nous le trouverons ensemble, Et déciderons ensemble à la majorité décidée au préalable, Il n'est pas question de détruire le système, laissons-le s'écrouler de lui-même, de toutes façons, il est déjà obsolète. Il est question de le construire ensemble, de créer un mode de vie en communauté, équitable, juste et viable. Le capitalisme et le libéralisme n'ont pas de limites, Le socialisme et le communisme n'ont que des limites, Les patriotes confondent nationalisme et patriotisme, Les anarchistes oublient que l'État est censé nous protéger des classes dominantes, Les royalistes

Resilience project

Beginning of a new project to complete the paradigm shift and the next evolution of humanity in harmony with nature bringing universal peace ...  Guardians of the Earth, we are on the right path and will continue until this new paradigm is realized.  We need a new plan with all possible and existing solutions in order to clarify the path to take, and avoid being dispersed in the cogs of the matrix and allow everyone to put in place the best solutions in order to accelerate this  unique change in human history.  Let us coordinate our efforts and learn to share our questions and answers in order to return to this world this piece of paradise that the Earth has lent us.  People can unite their collective intelligences to solve every problem we have created.  Can they trust those who put us on this planet in this state of disrepair?  The same people who yesterday only thought of exterminating us by all the means they have at their disposal could change the paradigm they have created.  How

The white rabbit who wanted to live in peace / Le lapin blanc qui voulait vivre en paix

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a Daddy and a Rabbit mum who had many little Rabbits.  They lived in the savannah with other Rabbit families and were all different.  There were grays, reds, browns, spotted, dark, lighter… and among them, the smallest, a tiny white Rabbit.  It was as white as goat's milk when it came out of the udder and filled the calabash.  This little White Rabbit was often sad and angry.  When he was left alone by his brothers, by his sisters, by his friends, he thought it was because he was white.  So he wished his hair was a different color.  He hadn't understood that each Rabbit is unique.  That each Rabbit has its own personality, its own type of coat and its own character.  He had not understood that like all the others, he too was unique and worthy of being Rabbit like everyone else.  “It's because I'm white,” he said to himself, “it's because I'm white.  And when he was put aside, he would stay in his corner and spin his t

Letter to humanity / Lettre à l'humanité

Today humanity needs to come together to make big decisions that will have a huge impact on life.  Either the powerful continue to ransack the Earth with the prospect of going elsewhere to register a new page in our history, which no one can guarantee.  Either they realize that their world is finished, and that there will be no escape, neither for us, nor for them.  We humans  We have caused this, the warming of the Earth is already causing cataclysms, but this is only the beginning of a new era, humanity must react quickly as long as we are still in hope, soon  all this will no longer matter.  Let's not be defeatist, some species have survived mass extinctions, but not extreme pollution of our natural environment.  If we want to survive, the sooner humanity will become aware, the sooner it can react.  Everyone has their share of responsibility,  Everyone has their part to do,  I have confidence, I am convinced that we can listen to reason despite all our differences, we are one.  

Bonne année 2018

L'humanité est comme un enfant à peine adolescent, il serait temps de devenir adulte. Nous sommes différents mais nous avons tant en commun que nous pouvons aujourd'hui décider d'arrêter les guerres et de faire la paix entre humains et commencer une nouvelle ère prospère et viable, d'unir nos forces, nos intelligences, nos savoirs, toute notre connaissance au service de l'humanité. Nous pouvons dès aujourd'hui bâtir un nouveau paradigme basé sur le respect de la vie, de la nature, de sa biodiversité et préserver le fruit de millions d'années d'évolutions, la flore et la faune sauvage et des peuples indigènes qui survivent depuis que l'humain a oublié qu'il était devenu le gardien du jardin de la vie. Nous avons tant à apprendre les uns des autres que nous pouvons décider de changer ce système obsolète de prédateurs. Oubliez le capitalisme, le libéralisme, le communisme, le socialisme... ce ne sont que des vieux noms de l'anci