
Affichage des articles associés au libellé projet

Resilience project

Beginning of a new project to complete the paradigm shift and the next evolution of humanity in harmony with nature bringing universal peace ...  Guardians of the Earth, we are on the right path and will continue until this new paradigm is realized.  We need a new plan with all possible and existing solutions in order to clarify the path to take, and avoid being dispersed in the cogs of the matrix and allow everyone to put in place the best solutions in order to accelerate this  unique change in human history.  Let us coordinate our efforts and learn to share our questions and answers in order to return to this world this piece of paradise that the Earth has lent us.  People can unite their collective intelligences to solve every problem we have created.  Can they trust those who put us on this planet in this state of disrepair?  The same people who yesterday only thought of exterminating us by all the means they have at their disposal could change the paradigm they have created.  How

10 proposals to evolve / 10 propositions pour évoluer

1. You will no longer believe, you will verify.  2. You will search everywhere and you will find.  3. You will think long and hard and you will synthesize.  4. You will participate by sharing your new knowledge free of charge to everyone using the only tool that allows you to cross borders, that is the Internet via social networks.  5. You will open up by realizing the importance of nature and all the species that are there by leaving enough space for them to thrive.  6. You will be passionate about the greatest common causes.  7. You will give some of your time for the common good and you will receive an income for life.  8. You will propose and vote the laws.  9. You will commit yourself to defend, by all peaceful means, nature against all pollution and direct and participatory democracy.  10. You will try to convince that the urgency is to prepare all together our common future and that will begin as soon as you have read these lines. 1. Tu ne croiras plus, tu vérifieras . 2. Tu c

Un autre style de manifester

Quand nous manifestons, nous ne faisons rien que défiler dans les rues en scandant des slogans or nos manifestations amènent au fil du temps à la révolte, faut bien en déduire que nous devons changer de méthodes. Je vous propose ensemble de vous arrêter, de vous poser un moment, non loin de chez vous et de donner un sens aux prochaines manifestations, il s'agit de ne plus combattre le système, il gagnera encore si nous continuons dans son jeu. Dans chaque ville, nous pouvons nous réunir, nous asseoir pour un pique-nique géant où chacun partagerait sa nourriture et ses idées. Il s'agit de recréer ainsi du lien entre les Citoyens et de se réapproprier notre espace commun, cette espace public qui nous séparent tant. Pacifiquement, avec respect, nous pouvons nous entendre et développer cette merveilleuse intelligence collective que nous pouvons aujourd'hui mettre en place grâce à notre ingéniosité et un peu de technologie, via Internet, nous pourrons prolon