
Affichage des articles associés au libellé futur

Écologie et surpopulation

D'un point de vue purement comptable, ou simplement idéologique comme voudraient nous faire croire certaines personnes eugénistes comme Bill Gâtés, la surpopulation est un des nombreux facteurs qui pourrait influencer le cours de l'histoire humaine, mais ce n'est de loin le plus révélateur. Il y a beaucoup de facteurs dans cette équation complexe comme les différentes pollutions que l'espèce humaine peut engendrer, la surconsommation, la gestion catastrophique des ressources, le gâchis alimentaire, l'appropriation de ces mêmes ressources terres comprises, les méthodes de l'agriculture intensive élevage compris, les méthodes d'extractions des minerais et de fabrication de l'industrie... Et bien sûr, un système ultra inégalitaire basé sur le capitalisme éfreiné que nos ultra-riches souhaitent prolonger pour garder le pouvoir de décisions et de manipulation des masses et in-fine leurs niveaux de vie indécent. Ne vous méprenez pas, l'idée de ne pas procr

Le message

Le message est simple, Nous ne sommes plus des esclaves, Nous voulons vivre, dignement, Nous voulons ensemble décider de notre avenir commun, prendre les clés de notre destin, Nous n'avons plus besoin de chefs, de rois... ou de maîtres, Nous voulons la Démocratie directe et participative, Nous pouvons le faire, en arrêtant de nous diviser,  Pas besoin de nous dire comment faire, Nous le trouverons ensemble, Et déciderons ensemble à la majorité décidée au préalable, Il n'est pas question de détruire le système, laissons-le s'écrouler de lui-même, de toutes façons, il est déjà obsolète. Il est question de le construire ensemble, de créer un mode de vie en communauté, équitable, juste et viable. Le capitalisme et le libéralisme n'ont pas de limites, Le socialisme et le communisme n'ont que des limites, Les patriotes confondent nationalisme et patriotisme, Les anarchistes oublient que l'État est censé nous protéger des classes dominantes, Les royalistes

A bitter observation / Un constat amer

After the edifying observation of reality,  After despair and bitterness,  Everyone seems helpless,  The future seems to be an inevitable sequel announced by some in literature or in science fiction films where Hollywood has already planned everything.  However, nothing is played, the future cannot be summed up in a post-apocalyptic no-future where everyone in dystrophy would lead alone a battle lost in advance, where still a closed world where the privileged rich would hide in  their smartcity protected by large Trump-style walls, under surveillance, like a golden prison, and the rest of humanity was killing each other in a no-man's-land without a future.  In short, you can see where I am going with this.  We all have a little idea of ​​what we could do yesterday, now and tomorrow for generations to come, for our children.  This responsibility, we must assume it together, and each must bring the fruit of his reflection, each must bring his contribution to an overall project where

Change the paradigm

To think otherwise is to see the world as a whole.  Speech frees consciousness.  Corona virus has knocked out globalization and demonstrates the limits of liberalism.  Humanity confines itself to danger and limits its pollution,  No one can no longer ignore the impact of our civilizations on the natural ecosystem.  The vast majority of planes are grounded.  Human activities are reduced to the strict minimum.  Earth is breathing again,  Nature takes back its rights,  Humanity rediscovers the essential.  In the face of peril, we will emerge from it grown.  The time of confinement reminds us of our real humanity.  Faced with this global blackout, we each have our share of responsibilities to assume.  Our consent to this system chained us, locked us in their game, this matrix created by a very small minority of privileged navelists who decided among themselves the future of humanity, of several billion of our brothers and sisters,  as well as that of all the other species that inhabit the

The Sun rEvolution / La rEvolution jaune

To my sisters and brothers of Humanity,  We are Humanity,  We are the humans,  We are the People of the Earth.  Our behaviors, our actions, our thoughts must change, it is the next evolution of humanity.  For too long we have been manipulated, enslaved, chastised, and even today our masters indulge in arrogance, contempt and morals that themselves do not apply.  We have already come so far together that we cannot stop on the way.  We have discovered that the world is indeed a matrix, that our masters act as they see fit, and that they keep all peoples under their domination: between slavery and wage labor.  These people have no mercy, I don't know if the cult of satan is theirs, but they have sold their souls well.  We are no longer slaves, the time has come for freedom, equality and fraternity.  Faced with the catastrophe of our pollution, the Earth has become a large trash can and threatens biodiversity as well as the entire ecosystem.  We created this mess,  We can fix it.  We s

Letter to humanity / Lettre à l'humanité

Today humanity needs to come together to make big decisions that will have a huge impact on life.  Either the powerful continue to ransack the Earth with the prospect of going elsewhere to register a new page in our history, which no one can guarantee.  Either they realize that their world is finished, and that there will be no escape, neither for us, nor for them.  We humans  We have caused this, the warming of the Earth is already causing cataclysms, but this is only the beginning of a new era, humanity must react quickly as long as we are still in hope, soon  all this will no longer matter.  Let's not be defeatist, some species have survived mass extinctions, but not extreme pollution of our natural environment.  If we want to survive, the sooner humanity will become aware, the sooner it can react.  Everyone has their share of responsibility,  Everyone has their part to do,  I have confidence, I am convinced that we can listen to reason despite all our differences, we are one.  

Bonne année 2018

L'humanité est comme un enfant à peine adolescent, il serait temps de devenir adulte. Nous sommes différents mais nous avons tant en commun que nous pouvons aujourd'hui décider d'arrêter les guerres et de faire la paix entre humains et commencer une nouvelle ère prospère et viable, d'unir nos forces, nos intelligences, nos savoirs, toute notre connaissance au service de l'humanité. Nous pouvons dès aujourd'hui bâtir un nouveau paradigme basé sur le respect de la vie, de la nature, de sa biodiversité et préserver le fruit de millions d'années d'évolutions, la flore et la faune sauvage et des peuples indigènes qui survivent depuis que l'humain a oublié qu'il était devenu le gardien du jardin de la vie. Nous avons tant à apprendre les uns des autres que nous pouvons décider de changer ce système obsolète de prédateurs. Oubliez le capitalisme, le libéralisme, le communisme, le socialisme... ce ne sont que des vieux noms de l'anci

The great revolution / La grande révolution

This revolution is peaceful, silent and global.  It is the revolution of consciousness  The Internet removes borders and gives access to the world.  It allows each citizen of the world to learn, compare and become aware of his human condition on planet Earth.  Money has all the power in this ultraliberal capitalist world.  So everyone must use their money in conscience, as responsible for maintaining this predatory system, can change their consumption pattern and choose a better world by taking care of what is important to all.  Nature is important, necessary and source of life, it must be maintained, protected from all evils.  The human being easily chooses what is offered without asking the question of the environmental and sociological consequences.  Your power is great as a consumer, let's join our individual efforts to locally consume healthy foods from all human pollution and sustainable objects that are 100% recyclable.  Every farmer, every industrialist must understand that

10 proposals to evolve / 10 propositions pour évoluer

1. You will no longer believe, you will verify.  2. You will search everywhere and you will find.  3. You will think long and hard and you will synthesize.  4. You will participate by sharing your new knowledge free of charge to everyone using the only tool that allows you to cross borders, that is the Internet via social networks.  5. You will open up by realizing the importance of nature and all the species that are there by leaving enough space for them to thrive.  6. You will be passionate about the greatest common causes.  7. You will give some of your time for the common good and you will receive an income for life.  8. You will propose and vote the laws.  9. You will commit yourself to defend, by all peaceful means, nature against all pollution and direct and participatory democracy.  10. You will try to convince that the urgency is to prepare all together our common future and that will begin as soon as you have read these lines. 1. Tu ne croiras plus, tu vérifieras . 2. Tu c