
Affichage des articles associés au libellé basic income

Universal basic income / Revenu universel d'existence

The universal income, basic income, salary for life or even the income of independence and existence ...  I propose to be all, citizen-shareholders of our country, virtually, we could allot a portion of land per citizen as an action.  This action could be worth, for example, 1000 € / month / ha, to be defined together of course and rented to whoever needs it.  To be more concrete, at birth, we all have 1 virtual hectare allocated for life, which we will not use in real life since we will be with our parents and which we will bring for example 1000 € / month as universal income distributed in local currency.  melting.  Then in life, we will need to settle down, to build a house, or we will take the real area that suits us and that will serve us, subtracting from the virtual hectare.  If we need less than one ha then we will receive the pro rata as universal income, and if you need more than one ha then you will have to pay a tax equivalent to the additional area.  In this way we can sim