
Affichage des articles du février, 2021

A bitter observation / Un constat amer

After the edifying observation of reality,  After despair and bitterness,  Everyone seems helpless,  The future seems to be an inevitable sequel announced by some in literature or in science fiction films where Hollywood has already planned everything.  However, nothing is played, the future cannot be summed up in a post-apocalyptic no-future where everyone in dystrophy would lead alone a battle lost in advance, where still a closed world where the privileged rich would hide in  their smartcity protected by large Trump-style walls, under surveillance, like a golden prison, and the rest of humanity was killing each other in a no-man's-land without a future.  In short, you can see where I am going with this.  We all have a little idea of ​​what we could do yesterday, now and tomorrow for generations to come, for our children.  This responsibility, we must assume it together, and each must bring the fruit of his reflection, each must bring his contribution to an overall project where