
A bitter observation / Un constat amer

After the edifying observation of reality,  After despair and bitterness,  Everyone seems helpless,  The future seems to be an inevitable sequel announced by some in literature or in science fiction films where Hollywood has already planned everything.  However, nothing is played, the future cannot be summed up in a post-apocalyptic no-future where everyone in dystrophy would lead alone a battle lost in advance, where still a closed world where the privileged rich would hide in  their smartcity protected by large Trump-style walls, under surveillance, like a golden prison, and the rest of humanity was killing each other in a no-man's-land without a future.  In short, you can see where I am going with this.  We all have a little idea of ​​what we could do yesterday, now and tomorrow for generations to come, for our children.  This responsibility, we must assume it together, and each must bring the fruit of his reflection, each must bring his contribution to an overall project where

The matrix / La matrice

Conspiracies today, heretics yesterday, the Inquisition works by using a single thought to reject all forms of opposition, see evolutions, while nature and history teach us that the world was not built in a few  days but that it is the sequence of events which, without the precedent, would not be, everything is linked.  When you are rigid to the point of breaking, is it useful to go all the way or is it just a matter of principle?  Everyone has their own vision of the world, when we all have the same one, would it not be counterproductive or would it be a means of controlling the masses who could agree on a truth that calls into question dogmas, these prejudicial certainties?  -establishments that organize and maintain the matrix?  It feeds on ignorance, credulity, our inability to reject the unthinkable, our weaknesses, our fears, our consent.  Whether individually or collectively, we support ourselves in the system, so as not to lose face and maintain its integrity.  We have the powe

Resilience project

Beginning of a new project to complete the paradigm shift and the next evolution of humanity in harmony with nature bringing universal peace ...  Guardians of the Earth, we are on the right path and will continue until this new paradigm is realized.  We need a new plan with all possible and existing solutions in order to clarify the path to take, and avoid being dispersed in the cogs of the matrix and allow everyone to put in place the best solutions in order to accelerate this  unique change in human history.  Let us coordinate our efforts and learn to share our questions and answers in order to return to this world this piece of paradise that the Earth has lent us.  People can unite their collective intelligences to solve every problem we have created.  Can they trust those who put us on this planet in this state of disrepair?  The same people who yesterday only thought of exterminating us by all the means they have at their disposal could change the paradigm they have created.  How

Change the paradigm

To think otherwise is to see the world as a whole.  Speech frees consciousness.  Corona virus has knocked out globalization and demonstrates the limits of liberalism.  Humanity confines itself to danger and limits its pollution,  No one can no longer ignore the impact of our civilizations on the natural ecosystem.  The vast majority of planes are grounded.  Human activities are reduced to the strict minimum.  Earth is breathing again,  Nature takes back its rights,  Humanity rediscovers the essential.  In the face of peril, we will emerge from it grown.  The time of confinement reminds us of our real humanity.  Faced with this global blackout, we each have our share of responsibilities to assume.  Our consent to this system chained us, locked us in their game, this matrix created by a very small minority of privileged navelists who decided among themselves the future of humanity, of several billion of our brothers and sisters,  as well as that of all the other species that inhabit the

soon, evolution / bientôt, l'évolution

Today, We have reached the necessary level of consciousness.  The multiple revolutions that are born everywhere cross borders, demonstrating the awakening of our societies in the face of old warlike practices linked to the survival of the oppressed majority against a system that defends itself thanks to our visible leaders and the invisible minority.  So, let's talk about Evolution,  Of the evolution of humanity,  From each of us,  Citizens first,  Peaceful then,  Respectful of our freedom and that of others  Whatever our ideas, thoughts, dogmas or various theses ...  Let's think about the next evolution of humanity,  Together, all together,  Let's stop dividing each other for futile reasons,  Each bringing his stone to the building,  Everyone brings their ideas, their problems, their solutions ...  Take the problems at their source,  And back to basics.  Then we all vote together,  What democracy is, the real one: direct, is to vote projects and laws and no longer for mast

Peoples sacrificed on the altar of the globalization of broken capitalism / Les Peuples sacrifiés sur l'autel de la mondialisation du capitalisme éfreiné

Amazonia  Valdenir Munduruku, the courageous leader of the Munduruku people, today at the forefront of the fight against the large dams destroying lives and the environment in the Amazon, denounces in this video message a tragedy of international magnitude, which is ongoing in this  very moment in Brazil.  The destruction of the "green lung" of the planet is programmed by the government, with the support of multinationals, through a delusional development plan which completely disregards human rights and the preservation of a precious environment for the world.  all of humanity.  On its own, the Belo Monte dam has started to directly destroy 500 km2 of primary forest, forever destroying endemic biodiversity, while independent studies show that it will lead to indirect deforestation ten times greater, due to  the industrial and agricultural activity that it will promote in this hitherto preserved natural sanctuary.  Belo Monte is just the tip of the iceberg.  20 other super da

The white rabbit who wanted to live in peace / Le lapin blanc qui voulait vivre en paix

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a Daddy and a Rabbit mum who had many little Rabbits.  They lived in the savannah with other Rabbit families and were all different.  There were grays, reds, browns, spotted, dark, lighter… and among them, the smallest, a tiny white Rabbit.  It was as white as goat's milk when it came out of the udder and filled the calabash.  This little White Rabbit was often sad and angry.  When he was left alone by his brothers, by his sisters, by his friends, he thought it was because he was white.  So he wished his hair was a different color.  He hadn't understood that each Rabbit is unique.  That each Rabbit has its own personality, its own type of coat and its own character.  He had not understood that like all the others, he too was unique and worthy of being Rabbit like everyone else.  “It's because I'm white,” he said to himself, “it's because I'm white.  And when he was put aside, he would stay in his corner and spin his t

The Sun rEvolution / La rEvolution jaune

To my sisters and brothers of Humanity,  We are Humanity,  We are the humans,  We are the People of the Earth.  Our behaviors, our actions, our thoughts must change, it is the next evolution of humanity.  For too long we have been manipulated, enslaved, chastised, and even today our masters indulge in arrogance, contempt and morals that themselves do not apply.  We have already come so far together that we cannot stop on the way.  We have discovered that the world is indeed a matrix, that our masters act as they see fit, and that they keep all peoples under their domination: between slavery and wage labor.  These people have no mercy, I don't know if the cult of satan is theirs, but they have sold their souls well.  We are no longer slaves, the time has come for freedom, equality and fraternity.  Faced with the catastrophe of our pollution, the Earth has become a large trash can and threatens biodiversity as well as the entire ecosystem.  We created this mess,  We can fix it.  We s